


A new survey out by The Harris Poll on behalf of the American Psychological Association found 68% of United States adults say the 2020 presidential election is causing them a significant amount of stress. That number was 52% during the 2016 election. Lisheila Ware of Pinellas County has concerns about key issues.

“Uncertain of the truth of everything the candidates are saying,” Ware said.

Read full article:–poll-finds?fbclid=IwAR0YcDUMnKq9S7EZGzaA0W6CySsVJzDd4Rxgj8gbld_J-xiqgitpTNAcipE#


Tips on helping you find a “Peace” of Mind.

Before you start- make sure you prep

  1. Meditation prep- awareness, perspective, transparent, no judgement.
  2. Mindfulness

5 Tips to help find a “Peace” of Mind.

  1. Make it a morning routine or choose the same time everyday.
  2. Same space- safe and quiet environment.
  3. Create your space.
  4. Be comfortable- (mind may wonder)
  5. Breathe naturally

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5 tips on Combating Loneliness

  1. Loneliness does not equal Alone.
  2. Acknowledge your Inner Critic
  3. Recognize then confront: Use 2nd person
  4. Check your behaviors: don’t feed into negative self talk
  5. Meaningful Convo: Mix Video w/ phone

#SMILEPsychology #TherapyInColor #mentalhealth #combatloneliness #notalone #hope #education #TheSapphireWoman #PowerTruthDestiny #virtualtherapy

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5 tips on how to avoid Virtual Fatigue.

  1. Use your phone sometimes
  2. Try to avoid back to back meetings
  3. Take breaks between meetings: disconnect
  4. Hand write notes
  5. Create a work/meeting space

#SMILEPsychology #TherapyInColor #mentalhealth #hope #virtualfatigue #abreakfromthescreen #education #TheSapphireWoman #PowerTruthDestiny #virtualtherapy

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5 tips on coping with Anxiety during a crisis.

  1. Reach out: Doesn’t have to be a professional
  2. Safe space for thoughts: Journal
  3. Try not to replace emotions w/a habit
  4. Limit media intake: More positivity
  5. Don’t feel like you always have to do something

#SMILEPsychology #TherapyInColor #mentalhealth #hope #copingduringcrisis #anxiety #education #TheSapphireWoman #PowerTruthDestiny #virtualtherapy

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5 tips on coping with Grief during a crisis.

  1. Acknowledge your loss – allowed to feel
  2. Release your guilt – unable to be there
  3. Grieve your way
  4. Social Distance ≠ social Isolation – Reach Out
  5. Remember moments in between – Not just a beginning and ending

#SMILEPsychology #TherapyInColor #mentalhealth #hope #copingduringcrisis #grief #education #TheSapphireWoman #PowerTruthDestiny #virtualtherapy

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5 tips on helping Essential Medical Workers cope during a crisis.

  1. Self monitor before you start your day.
  2. Locate primary person for information and updates
  3. Connect with a co-worker.
  4. Recognize what’s in your control.
  5. Take “time-outs” to release.

#SMILEPsychology #TherapyInColor #mentalhealth #hope #copingduringcrisis #education #peace #TheSapphireWoman #PowerTruthDestiny #tipsforessentialmedicalworkers #virtualtherapy

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Let’s join together and help these families SMILE!

We would like to bring awareness about Autism Spectrum Disorder in the African American Communities. Our goal is to raise $50,000.00 to educate and provide support to the African American parents of Autistic children.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental disability that can cause significant social, communication and behavioral challenges. According to the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities and Center for Disease Control, thirty percent of African American Children are less likely to be identified with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

A portion of the proceeds will benefit the AUTISM IN BLACK Organization. AUTISM IN BLACK aims to provide support to African American parents who have a child on the spectrum, through educational and advocacy services. AUTISM IN BLACK is dedicated to bringing awareness to Autism Spectrum Disorder and reducing the stigma associated with ASD in the black community.

S.M.I.L.E. is actively working to create solutions and solve the problems that our Autism Spectrum Disorder Communities are facing. Our efforts won’t reach their maximum effectiveness unless we have the backing of the entire community.

The content on this site is for informational purposes only and is not meant to be a substitute for psychological, medical, legal or other professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. For issues concerning mental health, you are invited to schedule an appointment with Dr. East or her team. S.M.I.L.E. is focused on assisting individuals and families with many challenges from, overcoming everyday stressors, to healing from traumatic events.

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